Our world needs better conversations, but too many people have no idea where to start.

Get Four Conversation Starters for Christians and Doubters, so you can start building friendships with people who don't think like you.


Welcome to The Doubters’ Club Live Training – a sacred space where we all learn how to befriend those who don’t think like us while questioning our own faith and certainty. In this virtual training, you will learn everything you need to start a Doubters’ Club in your community, or live it as a lifestyle. This immersive Zoom-based training is spread across four weeks. LEARN MORE

Is it possible for evangelicals and exvangelicals to have healthy relationships? Are you tired of the silence echoing through your home, the unspoken tension at family gatherings, or the void left by estranged relationships? If you've ever found yourself yearning to rebuild connections with loved ones, especially in the aftermath of religious differences, join this 4 week cohort as we explore the landscape of family dynamics, personal biases, and the foundation that it is all built on . LEARN MORE


The closer we get to the heart of God, the closer we should grow toward the doubter, the skeptic, the differing perspective, even the atheist. Preston writes about doubt, deconstruction, and how it can all lead to an inward journey with God and others. LEARN MORE